Were you injured in a parking lot because of owner negligence? We’ll get you the compensation you deserve.
When you leave after a long day of work, you have the right to enter a well lit, properly laid out and, ideally, surveillance – protected parking lot. Parking deck owners have a responsibility to ensure that travel paths are adequately marked, directional signage is clearly visible and helpful, and that even the most remote corners of the property are under a watchful eye.
Steps must also be taken to make sure the lots have proper lighting and security to ensure you are safe from other people who may enter the lot. Businesses are obligated to properly hire and train their employees to handle situations that may arise involving customers as well as other people who come onto the property.
The physical condition of a parking lot will erode over time due to the elements. They must be physically maintained to ensure safe conditions. The business owner is responsible for repairing any large cracks which may appear and present a safety hazard to those who come onto their property, as well as any other dangerous conditions which might appear over time.
In addition to maintaining the physical condition of a parking lot, the lot owner should also take steps to ensure that patrons are protected from dangerous persons who may enter the lot. In a city the size of Atlanta, parking lot crimes are sure to occur. Every day in Atlanta and throughout Georgia, many innocent people are the victims of violent crimes in parking lots. In many cases these crimes could have been prevented had the property owner been more diligent in ensuring the safety of the lot. Sometimes the property owners are aware of the high risk of crime in their area, but still fail to take adequate measures to ensure safety in their parking lot.
If you or a loved one has been accosted or physically injured in another’s parking lot and you wish to speak with an attorney, contact us today. We have obtained significant results on behalf of former clients in handling parking lot injury cases.
Here are some testimonials from satisfied clients we have represented in the past.
Many victims are not aware that they have additional options that extend beyond the criminal courts for monetary compensation when they have been the victim of a violent crime such as sexual assault or battery. They are not aware of the fact that the landowners can be held liable for failing to provide safe premises to their customers.
Here are some steps you can take to remain as safe as possible in a parking lot:
- Be sure to park in the nearest well-lit spot.
- Never park next to a van. It’s easy for criminals to hide in these vehicles and assault you unexpectedly.
- Make a note of where you have parked, so that you won’t be wandering around the parking lot trying to find your car later on.
- Always lock your doors, even if you are going inside just for a minute.
- If you are a woman, carry pepper spray in your purse always.
- Walk with a confident posture. Look around and be very aware of your surroundings. Walk at a brisk pace until you reach your destination.
It can be difficult to find a parking lot injury attorney who is experienced in identifying oversights and working to gain the highest level of compensation for their victims. If you have been accosted, abused or physically injured in another’s parking lot, please call us here at The Bennett Law Group to begin the reparation process. You may contact us online or call us at 404.541.9330. We look forward to speaking with you about your case.